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  • joshrivercityfitne

June Member of the Month Interview: Danielle Erickson

1. What do you do outside of the gym? Career, hobbies, etc.!

Outside of the gym, I am a Sr. Director of Client Services in the call center industry working from home. The gym is a nice place for some live social interaction! I enjoy reading, writing, and spending time with my fiancé and friends, particularly in West Virginia riding side by sides and being in nature.

2. How long have you been training with us?

I started in October of 2020 I believe

3. What's been your biggest

accomplishment since you began training with us?

When I started CrossFit, I was looking for guidance to become truly fit and strong. I had done a lot on my own, but felt stuck. I’ve improved in everything since I’ve started and I’m appreciative for the guidance and preparation that goes into the workouts. One key improvement is the difference from my first Deadlift to most recent - an increase of 55 lbs.

4. What's your favorite thing about being a member here?

I really like that the coaching staff put time and effort into making it a great experience. The workouts are well organized and thought out, people are encouraged to work together, and they make sure modifications can allow anyone to participate at the place they are in their personal growth.

5. What would you say to someone who is considering training with us?

Don’t be afraid of the word “CrossFit”. I think it comes across as intimidating or not flexible for different individuals. The team here does a great job making sure everyone is challenged at their own unique fitness level.

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