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  • joshrivercityfitne

April Member of the Month Interview: Toni Nuckols

1. What do you do outside of the gym? Career, hobbies, etc.!

I have been teaching for 27 years. I married my high school sweetheart and we have 3 kiddos. I’m a Jesus girl who loves traveling, photography, sunrises/sunsets, and have a passion for helping others learn how to eat better so they can feel better!

2. How long have you been training with us?

I began 8 months ago. Old 97 CrossFit is da bomb.

3. What's been your biggest accomplishment since you began training with us?

I had two main goals when I began in August of ’22. I had just turned 49 and realized I needed to get my body moving more before the big 5-0 in 2023. My second main goal was to build upper body strength. On my first day 8 months ago, I could only hang from the rig for about 2 seconds. Now I’m getting better all the time at kipping AND, I can do about 15 knee ups before dropping! That is a major win for me!

4. What's your favorite thing about being a member here?

What I love most about Old 97 CrossFit are the coaches and the people! The coaches care about all of us! They do an amazing job at teaching me the right way to do things so that I don’t injure myself. Their knowledge, guidance, and undivided attention throughout every workout is what motivates me. It is also such an honor to be part of the incredible community of people the gym. I was welcomed by some old friends and have gained plenty of new ones! I love the camaraderie I witness and have the privilege of being a part of each time I go. I may find myself finishing last quite often, or lifting the lightest weights, but I will always be lifted up by the encouraging words and actions of others. It’s also super cool when my schedule matches up to do CrossFit with my sweet boy, Tyler. He knows how to help this mama out when she is struggling. LOL

5. What would you say to someone who is considering training with us?

I frequently talk about Old 97 CrossFit to others and encourage them to give it a try. Every work out is different and you never get bored with it. The coaches are so amazing and will help you tailor fit the workout to match your ability. It is like having a personal trainer every day!

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